Today I tackle the sxy manuscript discussion. We still have a little more work to do on the RNase data/figure/results section, but otherwise it is only the discussion that needs to be massaged from notes into a coherent flow. The next draft of the manuscript should be done by the end of today or tomorrow - watch out lab mates, it's editing time.
In non-science news, I spent nearly an hour and half yesterday in my continued search for an AC/DC adaptor for one of our weigh scales. The dead adaptor has a highly unusual combination of voltage, amperage, and polarity but I did eventually find a replacement - unfortunately, it comes from China and we must purchase at least a 1000 units. Amazingly, the units are only $1.25 each. This a clear example of the rape of China where a sizeable piece of electronics, wiring, plastic, and resulting pollution is valued so low yet still includes a profit for the manufacturer. On the plus side, we can have it labelled with any company name we want, so it could be a custom "Redfield lab" power supply.